I apologize for my lack of writing as of late, but I'm in Chile, and your not, so deal with it.
School has gotten off to a good start (good i guess, there is class, I go to it, and i try to understand the viejo that practically whispers.) It kinda feels like school this time around. I have already taken a class similar to this one, so despite everything being in spanish, its not as hard as it could be so far. However, this last week we had our first laboratory, a truly memorable experience.
I have taken several chemistry lab courses during my time at UM, and there was a general pattern for the first day of each of those labs. This consisted of receiving our equipment for the semester and getting a safety orientation of the lab. Well in Chile, that pattern has been snapped. The first thing we did in the lab was take a test, not a safety test, but like a real test. "reproduce the fourth period of the periodic table" Are you kidding me! Good thing there was one on the wall in my sight.
Next it was "begin." Well, I had two partners, but no equipment so I left it up to them to figure out what to do. We found ourselves a beaker and began. What came next is something I'm still not sure I experienced in real life. My fellow students went to fetch the necessary 5 mL of the prepared copper nitrate solution with their pipets. But instead of having a bulb on the end of the pipets, they only had their mouths!! Yes, they were pipetting by mouth, and this was no big deal to them. I almost freaked out. (For you non science people, I will explain. A pipet is a glass tube, like a straw, with graduation marks in order to measure and transfer small amounts of liquids. There is usually a small bulb to attach on the top in order to create suction. Pipetting be mouth is to suck on the end in order to draw in the liquid!) Well, for anyone who has ever taken a chemistry lab in the last 15 years, you have probably heard "don't pipet by mouth!" I was shocked, especially when it was my turn to fetch the solution. Yes, I pipetted by mouth.
Although what we were working with was not necessarily dangerous, I still wouldn't want to drink it. Apart from this, the lab did not have very good ventilation, no fume hoods, an emergency shower nor emergency eye washer. Hopefully I don't spill, or the old chemistry adage will definitely come into play "oops means run."
I have now met with my classes that I teach at the elementary school about 4 times each. I'm really impressed with how much the kids are learning and retaining. After I left the first time, I thought there was no hope, but at the second meeting they were all repeating what i had taught them the first time. I'm really enjoying the experience so far, its nice to see the kids excited to learn and also the corresponding results. The hardest class for me in the pre-kindergarten because they just like to sing, and I don't. The 3rd graders are good, but a little wild. The fourth graders are excellent. They are the most interested, always asking me questions and they are picking things up very fast. I hope I can take advantage of there sponginess and provide them with enough liquid.
We had the exchange student welcoming reception last night, complete with wine and hors d'oeuvres . Also, 12 students from St. Cloud university are here this semester, so the gringo ratio is up. It was fun to meet all of those Minnesotans, reminded me of my little Minnesotan back home:)
The other night La Universidad de Chile futbol team came to town again, so me and my fellow hooligans went to the stadium. It was again crazy as it was when i went back in march, but this time I snuck in my camera. I'll let the photos and video explain the rest. La U lost in a shoot out, so we drank an extra beer.
In other news, about a week a go we had one of the supposed worst rain storms in recent history here in concepcion. School was canceled for the day due to flooding. I didn't get that memo until i arrived at class, soaking wet.

Thats the scoop for now. As I said before, Chilean independence day is coming up on the 18th, so that means lots of carretiando for the next couple weeks. I'm headed up to Curico to the house of one of my Chilean friends where I'm going to celebrate with his family. I shall have more on this en la vuelta. Que esten bien!!! besos y abrazos
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